
STL Receives Lebanon’s Share of Budget: It Demonstrates Govt. Commitment to Rule of Law

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon received on Thursday Lebanon’s contribution to its budget, it announced in a statement.

“The STL thanks the government of Lebanon for the full payment for 2011, which we received Thursday morning,” it added.

“With this contribution of US 32,184,635, the representatives of the Lebanese people have demonstrated their commitment to work for the rule of law and long-term stability,” it stressed.

“We look forward to the continuing cooperation of Lebanon as we work towards completing our judicial mandate,” it said.

Prime Minister Najib Miqati announced on Wednesday that he had transferred the funds Lebanon is required to provide to the tribunal budget.

The issue had created further political divisions in Lebanon with the Mach 8 camp opposing the funding and the March 14-led opposition insisting that the country meet its international obligations or face international sanctions.

Lebanon is required to provide 49 percent of the tribunal budget.

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