
Jarrah Says Cellphone, Internet Fees to be Cut in a 'Calculated Manner'

Telecommunications Minister Jamal al-Jarrah announced Friday that cellphone and internet fees will be slashed in a “calculated and non-arbitrary manner,” noting that “a team of experts has been formed to study this file in a thorough way.”

Commenting on the “Switch Off Your Line” protest that took place on Sunday, during which hundreds of thousands of subscribers reportedly switched off their lines to push for cheaper cellphone and internet services, Jarrah pointed out that he has not yet been able to study all the files of the ministry seeing as he is a new minister in a new Cabinet.

He however promised protest organizers and dismayed subscribers that he will meet with their representatives next week to brief them on the recommendations of the team of experts, “which is sparing no time to study means to improve the quality of services and slash the fees.”

Despite an inadequate quality of services, mobile call and internet fees in Lebanon are known to be among the highest in the world.

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