
Report: Hariri, Jumblat Adhere to Ministerial Statement, Reject Normalization with Syria

Prime Minister Saad Hariri and leader of the Democratic Gathering bloc MP Walid Jumblat have reportedly rejected all attempts aiming to “normalize” relations with Syria, and have stressed adherence to the ministerial statement, the pan-Arab al-Hayat daily reported on Tuesday.

Sources that followed up on Sunday's meeting told the daily Tuesday that both men have “affirmed adherence to the content of the ministerial statement regarding neutralization of Lebanon from the wars and conflicts raging around it. They have rejected attempts to normalize ties with the Syrian regime under the pretext that there is a need for this communication to discuss the return of Syrian refugees to their towns and villages.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity the sources stressed that Hariri and Jumbalt “refuse to pave the way for relations with the Syrian regime through political talks.”

Hariri-Jumblat meeting took place in the presence of Culture Minister Ghattas Khoury, MP Wael Abu Faour and Nader Hariri, the premier's chief of staff.

The sources pointed out that the solution for the issue of displaced Syrians “will not be through the organization of political and media campaigns that drive into more political tension,” they said.

However they stressed the need for the return of the displaced back to Syria “because Lebanon can not bear the burden of hosting them in light of the economic and financial situation.”

They considered “incitement campaigns” against the displaced as “unbeneficial” but saw a role for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “which has to determine the safe areas in Syria to arrange the procedures to return them.”

Source: Naharnet

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