
Army Intelligence Arrests Suspect for Rocket Launching in South

The Lebanese Army Intelligence Thursday arrested a man (M. D.) on suspicion of launching the latest rockets from the South.

According to Al-Manar television “this arrest was made on the international road in Shtoura after the suspect was being followed by the army.”

The suspect was transferred to the Department of Defense in the car he was driving.

On December 12, a woman was injured overnight in southern Lebanon when a rocket apparently fired towards Israel landed instead in a Lebanese border village.

The Katyusha rocket, fired from Lebanon's Bent Jbeil region, landed in the village of Hula, near the border with Israel.

On November 29, a series of rockets were fired from the border area into Israel, prompting a retaliatory strike by the Jewish state. No one was injured.

A Lebanese website initially said an obscure Al-Qaeda-linked group calling itself the Brigades of Abdullah Azzam claimed responsibility for the November attack in an email message.

Source: Naharnet

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