
Berri Says 'Shiite Duo' MPs to 'Defend Coexistence, Fight Corruption'

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday urged a massive turnout in the upcoming parliamentary elections, saying the MPs of his AMAL Movement and its ally Hizbullah will “defend coexistence” and “fight corruption” after being elected to the new parliament.

“Be great in your democracy the same as you were great in your resistance,” Berri said in a call to voters three days before the parliamentary polls, the first that Lebanon organizes in nine years.

“You are asked to participate heavily in this fateful event and to vote for the Hope and Loyalty lists,” the Speaker added.

He said the MPs of the two Shiite parties will express their electorate's aspirations and hopes and will “defend unity, coexistence, the rise of the state of institutions and equal opportunities.”

They will also “fight corruption and preserve the army-people-resistance equation of strength,” Berri went on to say.

“They will be lawmakers for the sake of entire Lebanon and they will work on preserving the dignity of the human, liberating the land and defending sovereignty,” the Speaker added.

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