
Syrian Ambassador Hands Bassil Copy of Amended Contentious Property Law

Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali visited caretaker Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil on Monday at the ministry where he presented an amended copy of a Syrian property law that raised Lebanon’s concerns, as he assured that Syria-Lebanon coordination “necessary for return of Syrian refugees.”

“Syria amended the law to allow people a year instead of a month to prove ownership of land seized for development,” Ali told reporters after his meeting with Bassil.

Ali stressed the need for “coordination between Syria and Lebanon for the return of Syrian refugees back to their hometowns.”

The law, known as Decree 10, allows Syria's government to seize private property for zoned developments and compensate proven owners with shares in the new projects.

The law has first given property owners a period of 30 days to prove ownership, but Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said on Sunday that "the time period has been amended and become a year.”

The law was criticized by several Lebanese officials, including Bassil as “hindering the return of 1.5 million Syrian refugees who have sought refuge in Lebanon.”

But Muallem on Saturday dismissed such charges as unfounded.

"We are keen for displaced Syrians to return to their hometowns and we will provide all necessary facilitations to those who wish to return," he said, adding he would send a reply to Bassil on Sunday.

Syria's war erupted in March 2011 and has since forced more than five million people to flee outside the country and has displaced over six million internally.

Source: Naharnet

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