
Kurdish, Iraqi Forces Arrest IS Financiers

Ten members of a key financial network for the Islamic State network have been arrested in Iraq, the U.S.-led coalition fighting the jihadists announced Thursday.

Iraqi commandos and Kurdish counter-terrorism forces arrested the members of the al-Rawi network in operations October 7-9 in Baghdad and Erbil in northern Iraq, the coalition said in a statement. 

According to the coalition commander, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Paul LaCamera, the arrests "deal a major blow to the desperate attempts by ISIS to re-emerge in Iraq."

"Those who provide support to ISIS, in any way, will face the consequences," he said.

Fawaz Muhammad Jubayr al-Rawi, who headed the network, was killed in June 2017 during a strike in Albu Kamal in eastern Syria.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on al-Rawi and his company in 2016.

Source: Agence France Presse

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