
Change and Reform: Completing State Budget Most Important Govt. Task

Change and Reform bloc MP Ibrahim Kanaan said on Tuesday that the bloc’s primary goal is to rectify the functioning of the country’s state institutions according to legal means and not by forcing the people to succumb to its political interests.

He stated after the bloc’s weekly meeting: “Completing the state budget is the government’s most important task.”

He added that it is no coincidence that a budget had not been devised in Lebanon for years, condemning attempts to distract the people from this issue.

Addressing the wage hike, the MP said: “This matter is aimed at achieving social justice between worker and employer.”

The bloc is concerned with “radically tackling social issues” through adopting legal, social, and judicial standards, stressed Kanaan.

Regarding Mustaqbal MPs Jamal al-Jarrah and Hadi Hbeish’s statements that Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun should not complain about the squandering of public funds, the MP said: “Such remarks are meaningless and a sign that they are trying to evade the Audit Bureau’s decision on the national lottery financial violations in 1996.”

“Former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora has no choice but to answer to the judiciary,” stated the Change and Reform bloc MP.

Jarrah and Hbeish held a press conference on Monday to respond to FPM accusations that Saniora had squandered state funds through the national lottery.

They said: “Aoun has no right to speak of squandering public funds because those who have a history in such affairs are not entitled to accuse others of such crimes.”

Source: Naharnet

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