
Qassem Calls on Diab Not to Heed Hariri's 'Veto'

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Monday called on Prime Minister-designate Hassan Diab to disregard the “veto of those who have decided not to take part” in the new government, in an apparent reference to caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his al-Mustaqbal Movement.

“The phase of choosing the premier has ended, seeing as Dr. Hassan Diab has been appointed at PM-designate and his mission must be facilitated,” Qassem said.

“Any attempt to blockade the designation of a PM or the formation of the government is aimed at returning Lebanon to vacuum, and it is an act against Lebanon’s interest,” Qassem added.

Praising Diab, Hizbullah’s number two said the PM-designate possesses “wisdom, intensive activity and the clarity of vision.”

“He is trying to form the government as soon as possible, but it is normal for him to need some time due to the broad wave of contacts that he is carrying out to secure the broadest representation at the political and popular levels,” Qassem added.

“The PM-designate has the right and responsibility to consult with the components and politicians of the society, but he is not responsible for heeding the veto of those who have rejected to participate. They bear the responsibility for their rejection,” the Hizbullah leader went on to say.

Source: Naharnet

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