
Arslan Rejects Categorizing Sects as 1st Degree and 2nd Degree Confessions

Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan criticized the alleged categorization of sects as first degree or second degree confessions, calling for unity among the Lebanese to confront challenges.

“With all respect to all confessions, there is nothing called monopoly of ministries by any sect,” Arslan told As Safir daily in remarks published Saturday.

The Druze MP also refused attempts to categorize sects as “first degree and second degree confessions.”

His remark came as sources following up consultations to form the cabinet told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that Arslan is seeking to get the defense ministry portfolio, which is one of the four “sovereign” ministries that are usually divided among the Maronite, Shiite, Sunni and Orthodox sects.

Following talks with Premier-designate Najib Miqati on Friday, Arslan said: “We will support the salvation efforts of Miqati.”

“We hope that all sides are aware of this dangerous and sensitive period and that they deal with it with objectivity,” he said.

Major events “require united efforts … to confront all” challenges, he said.

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