
Geagea: Lebanese State Responsible for Beirut Blast

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea said Saturday the entire Lebanese state is responsible for the port explosion, after the indictment of caretaker PM Hassan Diab stirred controversy.

“Responsibility lies on the Lebanese state as a whole because several of the state’s administrations, agencies and institutions either had a direct or indirect relation with that file in the last six years. We can imagine how many have a relationship with that prolonged crime,” said Geagea.

The LF was one of the parties “demanding international investigation into the devastating blast, but unfortunately the first to reject that demand was Hizbullah,” Geagea said, noting that other parties joined Hizbullah’s rejection later.

“The state was not responsive to our demands,” added the LF chief during a meeting with a Beirut cadre delegation.

He urged the President and government to make a request to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, through one of the permanent members of the Security Council, to form a fact-finding committee on this crime.

Top Lebanese politicians and Hizbulah rallied on Friday against charges of negligence leveled against the caretaker prime minister and three former ministers over the massive explosion in Beirut's port, underscoring the enormous difficulties facing the investigation.

Source: Naharnet

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