The Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (“STL”) Pre-Trial Judge, Daniel Fransen, will hold a fifth Status Conference on 3 February 2021, the STL said in a press release on Tuesday.
The hearing aims at reviewing the status of the Ayyash case and ensuring the expeditious preparation for trial, through an exchange between the Prosecution, Defence and Legal Representatives of the Victims.
In a scheduling order issued today, the Pre-Trial Judge states that the hearing will begin at 10.00 AM (C.E.T.) The Status Conference will be public; however, the Judge might decide to go into private session during the course of the hearing if confidential matters need to be discussed.
The Status Conference will take place in the STL courtroom, with remote participation via video-conference.
The hearing will be streamed on the STL website with a 30-minute delay in Arabic, English, and French.
The first status conference in the Ayyash case took place on 22 July 2020, the second on 16 September, the third status conference on 4 November and the fourth took place on 16 December 2020. In accordance with Rule 94 of the STL Rules of Procedures and Evidence, the Pre-Trial Judge shall convene a status conference within no more than eight weeks after the initial appearance of the Accused -or its equivalent in absentia proceedings, which coincides with the Trial Chamber decision to proceed with a trial in the absence of the Accused. The Pre-Trial Judge shall also convene status conferences within eight weeks from the previous one, during the pre-trial proceedings, and until the case is ready for trial.
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