Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Thursday that he will send the Lebanese diplomatic missions a reminder about the importance of submitting the names of the expatriates who want to vote during the 2013 parliamentary elections.
An Nahar newspaper reported that the efforts exerted by the missions are insufficient as most reminders are posted on the walls of the embassies or consulates. But most expatriates don’t head to these centers.
Earlier this week, the newspaper published a report by the Foreign Ministry on the numbers of Lebanese expatriates expected to vote during the 2013 polls.
Lebanon’s political parties are eying the Lebanese in foreign countries in order to mobilize supporters to get a boost in the upcoming elections.
Lebanese officials are working on formulating an electoral draft law that ensures a sound parliamentary representation of sects.
However, there’s no agreement yet over the issue, as the Maronite leaders agreed on the Orthodox Gathering’s proposals which called for each sect to elect its own MPs based on the proportional representation.
The proposal was rejected by a number of officials including Interior Minister Marwan Charbel who is tasked with preparing the new electoral draft law.
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