
Qassem Stresses Lebanon's Need for 'Resistance' in Talks with U.N. Official

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Tuesday held talks with outgoing U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis.

Kubis paid the farewell visit to Hizbullah on the occasion of the end of his mission in Lebanon. According to a Hizbullah statement, the meeting was held in the presence of the party’s Arab and international relations officer Ammar al-Moussawi.

“The meeting tackled the situations in the local and regional arenas, including the efforts aimed at speeding up the formation of the government and the health and economic situations amid the wide spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the economic deterioration,” the statement said.

Qassem stressed “Hizbullah’s stance, which calls for expediting the government’s formation in order to focus on addressing the current issues and challenges,” the statement added.

“Hizbullah, with the resistance it represents, is an inseparable part of the will of the Lebanese to resisting the Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory and preventing Israel’s territorial, maritime and aerial violations,” Qassem also told Kubis according to the statement.

Source: Naharnet

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