
Pro-Berri MP Says Unacceptable for Aoun to 'Stand Idly By'

MP Yassine Jaber of Speaker Nabih Berri’s Development and Liberation bloc on Tuesday urged President Michel Aoun to act in order to facilitate the formation of the new government.

“The Presidency is required to turn the Baabda Palace into a work cell in order to form a government,” Jaber said in an interview with al-Jadeed TV.

“Insistence on the blocking one-third is unacceptable, so that no one manages to control the decisions of the coming government,” the MP added.

“The president must summon the PM-designate and the national forces to find a solution and it is unacceptable for the president to stand idly by,” Jaber went on to say.

Berri has escalated his stance regarding the new government after, according to media reports, Aoun and Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil rejected an initiative he made last week to break the impasse.

Source: Naharnet

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