
Geagea: Port Blast Crime Shall Not be Obliterated

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea on Wednesday reiterated calls for an “international investigation committee” into the port blast, stressing that the truth behind the “crime shall not be erased.”

“Despite the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, the dire living conditions, the high cost of bread and fuel, the three and a half months without a new government, and all of the other difficulties and tragedies that the Lebanese have been enduring, "we will never forget the Beirut Port crime,” said Geagea in a statement.

He criticized the local authorities' investigation into the case, and called for an international probe.

Geagea said: “The past months have unfortunately proven what we had expected from a local investigation into the Beirut Port crime. This is due, first and foremost, to the corruption of the current ruling class. We reaffirm our demand to form an international fact-finding committee to uncover the circumstances of this horrific crime.”

"Nobody will be able to obliterate the truth behind this crime as if nothing had happened," he concluded.

Source: Naharnet

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