
U.N. Regrets Inability of Lebanese Leaders to Agree on Govt. Formation

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka has expressed deep regret over “the inability of Lebanon’s leaders to reach agreement on the formation of a new government that is urgently needed to address the country’s numerous challenges,” a statement said.

Noting that the government formation process has “suffered a reversal,” the Special Coordinator called for “swift measures to ensure the designation of a new Prime Minister, in line with constitutional requirements, and form a government able to undertake the necessary reforms to put Lebanon on the path to recovery ahead of free and fair elections in 2022.”

“Lebanon is facing an unprecedented crisis. There is still room for hope but there is no time to lose. Urgent action is needed in the national interest to respond to the needs and demands of the people, who continue to pay the heaviest price,” said the Special Coordinator.

“The U.N. stands closely by Lebanon during this difficult period,” the statement added.

Source: Naharnet

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