
Reformist MPs might name Salam in binding consultations

MP Rami Fanj said Monday that the reformist MPs might name Former President of the United Nations Security Council Nawaf Salam as a Prime Minister, while MP Ibrahim Mnaimneh said that Salam's name is not definitive and that the MPs are still discussing the matter.

Earlier on Monday, the "progress" party named Salam, as the party's MPs Najat Saliba and Mark Daou continue their meetings with the other reformists in an attempt to agree on a common name.

The reformist MPs are also discussing the matter with other blocs and independent MPs. "The parliamentary elections have resulted in multiple minorities, these minorities can agree on a name,” MP Ghassan Skaff said, adding that "discussions are underway to establish new blocs that can ally together at important junctures."

MP Melhem Khalaf for his part said that the reformist MPs are discussing the possibility of meeting with President Michel Aoun together as a strong bloc. He confirmed that the MPs are meeting to try to choose a name. He added that the MPs have set certain standards to choose the person they will name as PM.

The MPs will announce the name of the person they choose to be Lebanon's new Prime Minister in a press conference today, according to Fanj.

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