
Mikati has 'vision' for new government's shape

PM-designate Najib Mikati has a vision for the shape of the new government and it will become clear very soon, informed sources said.

“Several formats are being discussed behind the scenes,” the sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper in remarks published Tuesday.

“Away from the protocol parliamentary consultations that Mikati started with the MPs yesterday, consultations and contacts were held over the past 24 hours, in relation to the formation process, and several political forces including the PM-designate were involved in them,” the sources added.

“The contacts revolved around speeding up the government’s formation without bogging down the PM-designate’s mission with conditions and ideas that would complicate his efforts and obstruct the formation process,” the sources went on to say, noting that the parties discussed “offering all possible facilitations to expedite the government’s formation.”

“There is no dispute over the government’s mission,” the sources pointed out.

Al-Joumhouria added that, accordingly, “the government’s draft line-up might become ready within a few days, after which the PM-designate would present it to the President so that the decrees of the new government can be issued.”

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