
Serra Hails UNIFIL-Army 'Strategic Partnership'

UNIFIL’s newly appointed Force Commander Major-General Paolo Serra on Monday lauded the cooperation between the Lebanese army and the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, saying it has “brought substantial improvement in the security environment in the South.”

“I am intent on taking this strategic partnership forward.” Serra said following talks with President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Miqati.

These were Serra’s first formal meetings with top Lebanese officials after assuming Command of the UNIFIL peacekeeping force on January 28.

“Issues related to the implementation of UNIFIL's mandate under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 were discussed, with particular focus on cooperation between UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces,” said a statement issued by UNIFIL after the talks.

“I was very encouraged by the warm reception from the leaders and the strong support they expressed for our mission. I assured them of continuity in UNIFIL’s operations and my own personal commitment to Lebanon and to our mandate under Resolution 1701,” the force commander announced.

He said that the Lebanese state’s support was “essential” for the success of UNIFIL’s mission.

“Equally important for me is to maintain and build strong relations with the people of south Lebanon who have welcomed us in their midst and whose safety is at the heart of our operations,” Serra stressed.

Source: Naharnet

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