Twenty entrepreneurs, mainly women and young people, have won an International Labor Organization competition and cash prize to assist them in developing their local businesses in disadvantaged areas in northern Lebanon.
The ILO Regional Office for Arab States organized the “Women do Business Experience” competition under the framework of the Productive Sectors Development Program (PSDP) in Lebanon, in cooperation with the LEE Experience. PSDP is a joint U.N. program, funded by the Canadian government under the Lebanon Recovery Fund and implemented jointly by the ILO, UNIDO, FAO, UNDP, ILO, UNWOMEN and UNICEF that aims to support gender-responsive job creation and economic opportunities in the agriculture and agro-food sectors prioritizing women and female youth in disadvantaged areas.
The initiative also aimed to encourage the entrepreneurship spirit of women and youth working in the agricultural and agri-food sectors in Lebanon through a real-life business-oriented competition.
Forty shortlisted candidates presented their ideas on how to further develop their businesses to a jury composed of eight judges from different organizations and technical backgrounds after benefiting from a total of 9 days of training and coaching through ILO’s regional “Women Do Business” entrepreneurship program, followed by an “advanced business resilience” tailored training to enhance the sustainability of selected participants. The candidates were shortlisted based on attendance, grades, and trainer’s evaluation.
20 winners were selected and have received a small fund each to support them implementing their business plans. The competitors were judged based on their level self-confidence and preparedness, in addition to the environmental and social dimensions of their projects.
The winners included producers of organic food, herbal oils and olive oil.
“This experience was a learning opportunity. We have extended our knowledge and we have also learned new means to improve our business. The pitching event and being a winner was exciting. We can work on a new range of products in order to satisfy our costumers’ needs and improve our business," said Hind Said Nehme, owner of Hestia.
“The opportunity of a lifetime! I’m immensely happy for winning and making this kind of achievement in my life. I want to be an active and independent member in my society who is able to establish a business, make profits and provide for my three daughters without relying on anyone,” said Laila Boukdal, owner of Monet Dayetna.
Initially, the ILO has conducted a progressive training cycle, starting with 200 women-led and men-led MSMEs and Entrepreneurs who received a training entitled “Women Do Business”, followed by an advanced “business resilience” workshop with 100 selected beneficiaries who presented a business plan at the end of their participation. 40 beneficiaries were selected for the business plan competition event.
The ILO and LEE Experience have been coaching existing and newly established MSMEs on entrepreneurship, feasibility studies, sales and marketing. The coaching has prioritized women and youth start-ups in the fruit, vegetable and nut production value chains, which have a high potential for job generation for both women and youth.
The event was attended by the Senior Development Officer in the Embassy of Canada Alexandra Santillana, PSDP team members from the Resident Coordinator Office, the six participating U.N. organizations and implementing partners, Academia, ILO partners and SME consultants, in addition to the 40 selected beneficiaries targeted from the North of Lebanon and Akkar with a majority of women business owners and entrepreneurs.
“’The Women Do Business’ competition was a great opportunity for women entrepreneurs to show their talents, knowledge and skills gained through the training provided by ILO and The LEE Experience. It was challenging for the members of the jury to select the 20 winners since all the participants showed Excellency and professionalism in their presentation. Canada is proud to continue promoting women’s economic empowerment in Lebanon,” said Alexandra Santillana, Senior Development Officer at the Embassy of Canada.
“It was a privilege to accompany these wonderful participants on their journey and I advise them to always seek new opportunities,” Rami el Hassan, ILO Project Officer, said.
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