
Nasrallah: Iranian-Saudi agreement can help but president can't be imposed

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday called for dialogue over Lebanon’s presidential crisis and said an Iranian-Saudi reconciliation announced earlier in the day “can only help” in the file but that no candidates can be “imposed.”

“We welcome any foreign assistance but we do not accept dictations,” Nasrallah said in a televised address.

“The Iranian-Saudi agreement can only help in the presidential file, but no candidates can be imposed,” he added.

Commenting on Hezbollah’s recent nomination of Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency, Nasrallah said what his party has done is “natural and legal.”

“We have called for dialogue over the president and no one has the right to prevent anyone from nominating anyone,” Nasrallah added.

“Some claimed that we want to impose a president on the Lebanese and Christians, but this is not the case,” he said.

"If a country helps Lebanon, that does not grant it the right to impose a president," Nasrallah emphasized.

He also described the Saudi-Iranian reconciliation as a “good development” while noting that it “will not be at the expense of the region's peoples.”

Separately, Nasrallah said that what happens in Syria and Palestine has a strong impact on neighboring Lebanon.

“Speaking about the present and future of Syria is like speaking about the present and future of Lebanon,” Nasrallah noted.

Addressing Lebanese rivals, Nasrallah added: “The Arab world also includes Syria and Palestine, not only the Arab Gulf.”

“Had Syria fallen into the hands of Daesh, al-Nusra and the terrorists in the global war, what would have been the position of Lebanon and its people?” Nasrallah said, addressing the Lebanese.

“Everything that happens in Palestine affects our country, its sovereignty and its future,” he added.

“Imagine if Israel was strong and could impose its will on the entire region. Would the Lebanese have dreamed of oil and gas?” Nasrallah said.

Moreover, Nasrallah said that it is not true that Syria will “leave the Axis of Resistance” in order to “join the Arab fold,” commenting on the latest diplomatic overtures.

“Syria is at the heart of the Axis of Resistance,” he stressed.

Source: Naharnet

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