
Iran: KSA deal a political earthquake that spells end of US hegemony

A senior military advisor to Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei said Sunday that the reconciliation agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia will put an end to the United States’ “hegemony” in the West Asia region.

At a ceremony, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said the Iran-Saudi deal will benefit both countries and the entire West Asia region.

He added that the look-to-the-East policy will “increase Iran’s geopolitical weight” and benefit the Iranian nation.

“We hope that our region will move towards security and lasting peace thanks to this agreement,” said the general.

The China-brokered agreement, he added, was a “political earthquake” that spelled the end of the American hegemony in the region.

The agreement negotiated in Beijing to restore relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran was announced on Friday. Under the deal, the two Middle Eastern heavyweights will exchange ambassadors and reopen embassies within two months.

Source: Naharnet

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