Naharnet, Online Directory for Craftsmen in Lebanon

A Lebanese website for craftsmen was recently launched to help citizens search for appropriate construction work professionals. ( is a new concept that aims to link between a two-sided existing demand: the possibility to have a complete and reliable resource of construction work professionals and the necessity for each and every craftsman to be online - at a time

where Internet is becoming more and more impacting in Lebanon and the Arab countries.

“The idea originated from a simple observation during a renovation project: aside from the

word of mouth and existing companies, there is no clear source of information,” the website owner said in a statement.

This is what is here for: making this information available for you and having each and every m3allem getting himself online and grow his opportunities.

“You can now browse, register and give your feedback on for any m3allem. The m3allem will also be involved in upcoming existing contests and targeted online activities,” he added.

The site will further develop in different servicing offers on both sides and expand at a regional level.

Source: Naharnet

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