
Nasrallah says only 'resistance and sacrifices' can protect Lebanon

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said that “the massacres that are happening in Rafah reflect the (Israeli) enemy’s brutality and treachery.”

“You are the beasts … The scene in Gaza is appalling and horrifying -- burned bodies and beheaded children,” Nasrallah added via video link during a memorial service commemorating his late mother who passed away on Saturday.

“To normalizers: who will you normalize (the relations) with? With these traitors whose criminality has no limits?” Nasrallah wondered.

“The International Court of Justice demanded an end to the aggression days ago and the response was the violent airstrikes,” Nasrallah noted, urging pressure to “end the war and aggression against Gaza’s people.”

He added that Israel’s massacres “must be a lesson for us and for those who bet on the international community and international laws for Lebanon’s protection.”

“What protects Lebanon is our resistance, arms, rifles, people, sacrifices and the blood of our martyrs, not the statements of condemnation,” Nasrallah went on to say.

“Look at the weak and impotent international community which is only issuing concern and condemnation statements,” he added.

Source: Naharnet

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