
Berri, Jumblat optimistic Jan. 9 session will produce president

Speaker and Amal leader Nabih Berri reassured Monday that "the atmosphere is good" regarding the presidential file.

"God willing, there will be a president in the January 9 session," he added.

Berri also met Monday with Minister of State at the Qatari Foreign Ministry, Mohammad bin Abdul Aziz al-Khulaifi and with former Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat who said he, like Berri, is optimistic about the upcoming president election session.

MP Hassan Fadlallah said Monday that Amal's ally, Hezbollah, is currently holding meetings and consultations regarding the presidential file. He said the group is coordinating with Berri and the Amal movement, calling for national consensus.

Source: Naharnet

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