
Connelly Says U.S. Understands Lebanon Stance on Syrian Crisis

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on Tuesday said the U.S. Administration understands Lebanon’s situation and that of the Lebanese-Syrian relations.

“However, we must look at what Lebanon did and the prominent role it played by taking care of the Syrian refugees”, Connelly added, in an interview on LBC.

Asked about Lebanon's stance on the Syrian crisis, Connelly said: “I don’t think that anyone in Lebanon approves of the violence in Syria.”

Connelly reassured that Washington was in contact with the Lebanese banking sector and the Central Bank of Lebanon, voicing her confidence that the Lebanese banking sector knows exactly what to do regarding U.S. and European sanctions.

She added that all efforts must be exerted to convince Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, stressing that there is no “secret communication” with Syria, but rather diplomatic relations.

It is not up to the U.S. to impose “the outcome in Syria,” she said. Only the Syrian people are authorized to do so, she added.

Connelly also voiced concern that al-Qaida and extremist groups might try to “highjack” the political transition process in Syria, stressing that the U.S. wanted to avoid such a scenario.

Source: Naharnet

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