
Ban to Appoint STL Prosecutor and a Judge on Wednesday

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon will on Wednesday appoint Norman Ferrell as the new Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and will name a Judge of the Appeals Chamber, highly informed diplomatic sources told An Nahar daily.

Media reports said over the weekend that Ban has informed Premier Najib Miqati about his decision to appoint Ferrell, a Canadian, to succeed Daniel Bellemare as STL Prosecutor after he refused a renewal of his mandate for health reasons.

Farrell was the Principal Legal Officer in the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia’s Office of the Prosecutor, a post he held from 2005. Previously, he was the Senior Appeals Counsel and Head of the Appeals Section in the Office of the Prosecutor for both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the ICTY.

The sources said Ban will also name a Ugandan as Judge of the Appeals Chamber which was previously held by Judge Antonio Cassese, the former president of the STL.

Judge Sir David Baragwanath was in October last year unanimously elected as the court’s president following a decision by Cassese to resign on health grounds.

Cassese, who died the same month, had continued to serve as a Judge of the Appeals Chamber.

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