
Jordan Police Tear-gas Jobless Protesters

Police in Jordan's southern city of Tafileh fired tear gas on Monday to disperse angry unemployed demonstrators who demanded that the authorities make good on their promise of jobs.

"Scores of unemployed youth demonstrated in Tafileh, throwing stones at the governorate building as well as police, who had to fire tear gas to break up the protest," the state-run Petra news agency reported.

"They also blocked roads leading to the governorate building and other government departments."

Petra said the protest, the sixth since last year, "came after the government failed to meet its promise to create jobs for hundreds of youths in the city."

"Tear gas has been used during all these demonstrations to disperse the protesters," the agency said.

Jobless people staged a similar demonstration in January, when Tafileh governor Hashem Sehiem said that finding them work "takes time."

While Jordan's official unemployment rate stands at 13 percent, unofficially it is closer to 30 percent.

Jordanians have been protesting since January last year demanding sweeping political and economic reforms and an end to corruption.

Source: Agence France Presse

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