
Miqati to Head ‘Emergency’ Meeting to Resolve Spoiled Food Crisis

Prime Minister Najib Miqati called for an emergency meeting at the Grand Serail to tackle the rise in the discovery of spoiled food products in Lebanon, An Nahar newspaper reported on Monday.

Miqati in coordination with Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas sought to hold a meeting on Wednesday with Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi, Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan, Interior Minister Marwan Charbel and high-ranking officials from the general security, the state security, the army intelligence and the customs.

An Nahar said that the meeting will seek to formulate a mechanism regarding the “safety of food,” and tasking each side to carry out a mission regarding the matter as the Ministry of Economy’s Consumer Protection Directorate can’t cover all the areas in Lebanon.

On Saturday, President Michel Suleiman slammed the discovery of spoiled food, deeming such cases as “unacceptable.”

He urged officials to adopt strict measures against the violators and refer them to the judiciary.

The president stressed that the judicial authorities should follow-up on these cases until the truth is uncovered.

Recently, the Consumer Protection Directorate raided several warehouses in al-Fanar, Tarik el-Jadeedah and Beirut’s southern suburbs that were selling spoiled meat and food products.

Source: Naharnet

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