
EDL Contract Workers Escalate Protests, Quarrel with Security Forces

Electricite du Liban's contract employees escalated their protests on Tuesday as they held a sit-in at the company’s headquarters in Beirut’s Mar Mikhael area.

A dispute occurred between the Internal Security Forces after the riot police demanded protesters not to leave the sit-in hall and to stop using loudspeakers.

Bilal Bajouk, a member of the Committee of EDL Contract Workers and Collectors, told LBC that he rejects to leave the company’s premises until the demands of the employees are met.

They have been demonstrating for the past four weeks against the cabinet’s failure to approve their full-time employment.

“We will defend our rights with our blood,” he said, addressing Energy Minister Jebran Bassil.

According to LBC, the angry protesters urged the company’s employees to leave the building as they will close the gates and will not allow anyone after that to leave.

Some employees have been contract workers for over 20 years.

On Monday, the protestors blocked the highway near the company’s HQ, causing bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Bassil continuously refused to hire them as permanent employees at EDL.

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