
INJAZ Lebanon and HSBC Unleash Youth’s Full Potential

With an aim to foster the impact of their partnership in empowering youth in Lebanon, INJAZ Lebanon and HSBC held a press conference announcing the outcome of delivering their jointly developed program, “More Than Money” for the last two academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 in Lebanon, a press release said Monday.

The event was held at Ahlia School, Down Town, Beirut, marked by the attendance of François-Pascal de Maricourt, CEO HSBC, as well as, Rida Ayach, Principle Ahlia School, and Rania Jalkh Lteif representing INJAZ Lebanon.

The More than Money is a J.A and HSBC jointly developed program centered on financial literacy for youth between (7 -11) with a strong focus on earnings, spending, sharing, and money saving. Students learn about money- management, economics, and business through games that triggers their innovative thinking.

“We at INJAZ Lebanon are so delighted with this strong partnership with HSBC for 8 years now; HSBC’s endorsement to the “More than Money” program has helped us reach 600 youth in various schools in Lebanon for the last two academic years 2010- 2011, 2011-2012,” said Lteif.

HSBC’s support to INJAZ Lebanon’s programs is rooted in the company’s long standing commitment towards Lebanon and the MENA region. HSBC is committed to empower youth, increasing their opportunity to achieve their full potential.

“One of the strands of our educational support focuses on helping young people already in education navigate the world of business and finance, and enhance their life-skills,” commented François-Pascal de Maricourt, CEO of HSBC Bank in Lebanon.

“Over the last three years, HSBC has invested over US$5 million supporting JA More than Money worldwide, which teaches students about earning, spending, sharing and saving money, and starting a new business. By supporting educational programs and organizations, HSBC Bank seeks to build the confidence and abilities of young people on whom the future of our community depends,” De Maricourt concluded.

“We, at Ahlia School share this engaging approach in our teaching methods which we found in the “More than Money” program.” implied Ayach, “This program enabled our students to learn about money-management and explore their career aspirations gaining this financial knowledge while using innovative thinking.”

During the event HSBC’s volunteer consultant, having delivered the program shared his story in inspiring youth. Likewise, benefiting students from the program got the chance to express their learnt skills with the public.

HSBC’s support towards INJAZ Lebanon is closely connected with the bank’s global collaboration with Junior Achievement Worldwide.

HSBC is the largest and most widely represented international banking organization in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), with a presence in 14 countries across the region.

INJAZ Lebanon (IL) is a nonprofit non- governmental educational organization dedicated to educating students about work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial learning through experiential hands- on programs, to help inspire a culture of entrepreneurialism and business innovation among youth in Lebanon increasing their economic and financial literacy.

INJAZ Lebanon is an affiliate of INJAZ Al-ARAB and Junior Achievement Worldwide, the world’s largest educational organization dedicated to Workforce Readiness, Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy, and reaches 9.3 million students a year, from kindergarten through 12th grade, in 123 countries.

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