
Jumblat Lauds Army for Uncovering Spy System: Yemeni President Should Step Down to Avoid More Massacres

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat praised on Monday the Lebanese army’s discovery of the Israeli spy system at Shamaa last week.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated Al-Anbaa magazine: “The discovery is new evidence that Lebanon is greatly exposed on the political and security levels.”

“It also proved the importance of the ongoing cooperation between the Resistance and the army, confirming that tackling the case of Lebanon’s defense cannot take place through fiery speeches, but through returning to the national dialogue table,” he stressed.

Addressing the situation in Libya, the MP criticized the “double standards adopted by the West in dealing with Arab countries.”

Jumblat said that the “preemptive interference” is nothing more than a new form of colonialism aimed at taking over the Arab state’s petroleum wealth while human rights are overlooked.”

He also stated that “it is time” that Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh step down “to avoid more massacres” against people demanding change and political, economic, and social reform.

The Druze leader concluded by praising the anti-sectarian protests in Lebanon, saying that they are an indication that a large number of Lebanese are “fed up with the current situation and are eager to change the sectarian system.”

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