
Iranian Chief of General Staff Prediction: 'Turkey Is Next'

The Iranian Chief of General Staff Hasan Fruzabadi held Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar responsible for bloodshed in Syria in a statement published on the Revolutionary Guard’s website.

“To help the war plans of the Great Satan (USA) is not a good principal to follow for neighboring countries. If they are acting on this basis, then they should know that the next time, it will be Turkey’s and other countries turn to take the fall,” Fruzabadi said.

While Iran’s military wing maintains to make harsh statements against Turkey, the Iranian Foreign Ministry is preparing to host a conference in order to find a solution for the ongoing bloodshed and conflict in Syria.

Iranian deputy Foreign Minister Husein Amir Abdullahian stated that only countries that have a realistic opinion about the situation in Syria would be invited to the conference and yet did not clarify the names of the countries that he referred to.

International observers however point out to the fact that a conference without countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar would not reach a solid conclusion.

Iran had also offered to host a conference between the Assad regime and the rebel Free Syrian Army last month but was turned down by the Syrian opposition.

Source: Naharnet

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