
Lebanon Unrest, Syria Fighting Hamper U.N. Refugee Agency‎

The increase in fighting in Syria and related clashes in Lebanon are hampering the work of the U.N. refugee agency as the number of those fleeing the violence reaches record levels.

"The deteriorating security situation in Lebanon is hampering our work to help refugees fleeing Syria's conflict, though operations are continuing," U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees spokesman Adrian Edwards said in Geneva Friday.

"Clashes between rival neighborhoods in Tripoli continue, affecting the pace of registration from our new center in the city" in northern Lebanon, he said.

Registration of refugees in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, near the eastern border with Syria, was also affected by security concerns in the wake of kidnappings of Syrians in the area, the UNHCR added.

Current refugee numbers in Syria's neighbors total more than 200,000, according to official figures.

These include 51,000 in Lebanon, 15,900 in Iraq, 61,000 in Jordan and more than 74,000 in Turkey, which has told the UNHCR it is building seven new camps.

People fleeing fresh fighting in southern Syria, including in Daraa, where the uprising broke out in March last year, are pouring into Jordan, with a record 2,200 crossing the border on Thursday night, the UNHCR said.

Inside Syria, agency staff were having difficulty moving about because of the conflict, with forces loyal to President Bashar Assad pounding population centers across the country as they fought to suppress a rebellion which has killed around 24,500 people, according to estimates.

Source: Agence France Presse

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