
Media Council Won’t Punish Audio-Visual Channels as Daouq Says Media Apologized to Pilgrims’ Families

The National Media Council decided on Friday against punishing audio-visual channels for their coverage of recent developments in Lebanon.

Information Minister Walid al-Daouq said after a meeting for the council that the media outlets that had broadcast the news of the death of the 11 kidnapped Lebanese pilgrims had offered their apologies to the families of the captives.

He added: “The day of August 15 when the channels broadcast the news of their death will remain a black day.”

“It is necessary to maintain contact with media outlets,” he declared.

“Freedom of expression ends when it violates the freedom of others,” remarked the minister.

Some representatives of the outlets present at the meeting tried to justify the media coverage on August 15, saying that it was the result of the live television coverage, revealed Daouq.

“A pledge was made to objectively handle developments,” he added.

The NMC meeting was aimed at tackling the uncontrolled broadcasting by some channels that failed to commit to the legal boundaries of the audio-visual law.

Media reports said on Thursday that LBCI and al-Jadeed channels, in particular, will be demanded to apologize for the “errors committed over the coverage of the case of the 11 kidnapped Lebanese” pilgrims in Syria.

The two channels began their Thursday evening news with strong introductions, hinting the refusal to apologize.

LBCI and al-Jadeed channels have been racing to cover the case of the 11 men kidnapped in Syria since May 22.

They have even entered the city were the abducted men are and interviewed the kidnappers.

Conflicting reports have emerged on their fate after Syrian government forces shelled the area of Aazaz where they were being held.

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