
Abbas Ibrahim: Lebanon Will Not Be Dragged to Civil War

General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim acknowledged on Friday that the developments in Syria are affecting Lebanon and the formation of various armed groups in Lebanon is the result of the crisis in the neighboring country.

He said: “Lebanon however will not be dragged into a civil war.”

“Civil war does not erupt when a problem emerges in the region,” he added.

“I don’t believe that there are any political or popular powers that want to create civil war in Lebanon,” he remarked.

On the kidnapping of the 11 Lebanese pilgrims, Ibrahim said that contacts between Lebanon and Turkey over this issue are ongoing.

He denied that Turkey had imposed conditions over the release of the captives held in Syria.

On May 22, 11 Lebanese pilgrims were kidnapped in Syria as they were making their way back to Lebanon from a pilgrimage in Iran.

Turkey is exerting efforts to ensure their release, especially in light of al-Meqdad clan military wing’s abduction of two Turkish nationals in Lebanon in response to Hassan al-Meqdad’s kidnapping in Syria in recent weeks.

Commenting on the clashes in the northern city of Tripoli, Ibrahim said: “Extremism is the main driving force in the unrest. We are working hard to prevent the spread of the unrest to other areas.”

He revealed that the General Security is monitoring the areas that may be susceptible to clashes in order to ensure that stability is maintained there.

“Contacts are ongoing with all sides to that end,” he stressed.

On the repeated blocking of the airport road by protesters, Ibrahim said: “I am confident that this road or any other one will not be blocked again.”

“We act in accordance to the president’s orders who since his days as army commander has instructed us to prevent the blocking of any road in Lebanon,” he continued.

Furthermore, he denied that the Free Syrian Army had set up bases in Lebanon.

Ibrahim noted: “Such claims are aimed at planting fear among the people.”

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