
Hizbullah: Day in which Lebanon’s Resistant Identity is Changed Will Never Come

Hizbullah official Nabil Qaouq stated on Sunday that those banking on the Syrian crisis to weaken the resistance will be disappointed.

He said: “The day in which Lebanon’s resistant identity is changed will never come.”

He made his remarks during a ceremony marking the sixth anniversary of the end of the July 2006 war.

He added: “Those hoping to weaken the resistance must realize that the resistance equations have demonstrated that they are too powerful to be affected by international resolutions and the statements of American pawns.”

“The resistance is a solid mountain that is too strong to be threatened by intimidation and incitement,” continued Qaouq.

“The military and security wing of the U.S. Embassy is working on threatening civil peace and the security of the resistance,” he added.

“This wing is threatening Syria from Lebanon through its Lebanese pawns,” he stated.

In addition, he noted that an alliance has been made between the March 14 camp and the “so-called Free Syrian Army,” accusing the American administration of funding and arming this side in Syria and Lebanon.

“The presence of Syrian gunmen in Lebanon is aimed at dragging our country towards the Syrian crisis,” Qaouq said.

“The March 14 forces have become involved in the crisis and they are now complete partners in the assault against the country,” added the Hizbullah official.

Meanwhile, Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi stated: “The Syrian crisis can only be resolved through a settlement or open civil war that will involve all areas surrounding it.”

“There will be no victor or vanquished in Syria. A settlement will be reached sooner or later,” he remarked.

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