
Khamenei Meets Suleiman, Says Foreign Powers Exporting Region Problems to Lebanon

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday warned during talks with President Michel Suleiman in Tehran that “some foreigners are trying to export some of the problems in the region to Lebanon,” noting that such attempts can be foiled by “depending on the Resistance.”

“Some foreigners are trying to export some of the problems in the region to Lebanon, but the Lebanese groups and sects can foil such attempts by depending on the Resistance,” Iran’s news agency IRNA quoted Khamenei as telling Suleiman during a meeting on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit hosted by Tehran.

Iran’s supreme leader described Lebanon as an important and sensitive state in the region, noting that “the Lebanese leaders and figures managed to present a good experience and solve a lot of problems by standing firm in the face of the religious and sectarian disputes and supporting the Resistance.”

Khamenei voiced support for the national dialogue in Lebanon, saying it is a “correct policy.”

And as he noted that some domestic and foreign parties were plotting to torpedo national dialogue, he praised Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri for “managing the issues in a good manner.”

According to remarks carried by IRNA, Suleiman stressed “the need to further develop the relations between Iran and Lebanon,” hoping “the summit and Iran’s chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement would reflect positively on several issues, such as the Palestinian cause.”

He also noted that “Lebanon still needs the Resistance,” reassuring that “the Lebanese government is determined -- through providing a platform for understanding and cooperation -- to prevent the spread of the external tensions into Lebanon.”

Addressing the Syrian issue, Suleiman stressed that Lebanon rejects any foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, noting that “Syria’s issues must be resolved via dialogue and negotiations.”

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said the two leaders stressed during the meeting “the importance of sparing Lebanon the negative repercussions of the events in the region.”

Suleiman and Khamenei also emphasized the need to implement the principles of non-alignment in a better way.

Earlier on Thursday, Suleiman held talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.

Suleiman also met with the head of the Jordanian delegation Prince Hussein bin Talal.

He had arrived in Tehran on Wednesday to take part in the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement.

The Lebanese delegation comprises Deputy Prime Minister Samir Moqbel, Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour and the president’s advisor Naji Abi Assi.

Speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Tehran, Suleiman hoped the summit will “enable people to achieve their democracy … without foreign interference in their affairs.”

The Non-Aligned Movement, a Cold War grouping founded in 1961, has 120 members representing most of the developing world and which see themselves as independent of Washington and Moscow influence.

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