
Syrian Troops Abduct Two Lebanese Men in al-Qaa

Syrian troops infiltrated on Saturday the border region of al-Qaa in the northern Bekaa and abducted two citizens, reported the National News Agency.

“One of the kidnapped men is from Abu Jabal family,” the NNA said.

Voice of Lebanon identified one of the abductees as 25-year-old Khaled Abu Jabal.

The troops searched a number of houses in the area before returning to Syria, according to VDL.

Syrian troops have repeatedly carried out incursions into Lebanese border areas in the northern Bekaa and Akkar since the eruption of anti-regime protests in Syria in March 2011.

Syria had repeatedly said that it is chasing defectors and gunmen during its incursions into Lebanon.

Rockets fired during clashes in Syria have also occasionally landed in Lebanese territory.

The latest of these incidents took place on Friday when over 30 shells landed in Akkar, injuring an Internal Security Forces member and damaging houses.

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