
March 14 Memo to Suleiman Calls for Salvation Govt., Expulsion of Syrian Ambassador

The head of the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora handed on Tuesday President Michel Suleiman a March 14 memo that reiterates the opposition’s call for the expulsion of Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali and the control of the Lebanese border with Syria through U.N. help.

The memorandum also called for the formation of a national salvation government and filing a complaint to the Arab League over Syria’s repeated border violations.

The memorandum demanded that the case of “criminals” former minister Michel Samaha and Syrian security chief Ali al-Mamlouk be referred to the judicial council, deeming their crimes as a violation of the Lebanese state’s security.

On this note, it called for the suspension of the Higher Lebanese-Syrian Council and security agreements between Lebanon and Syria ahead of reconsidering the judicial and security treaties between the two countries.

Samaha has reportedly admitted to transporting explosives to Lebanon with the assistance of Mamlouk and another senior general identified only by the first name of Adnan.

The memo also warned “all Lebanese people against traveling to Syria”, calling on all those residing there from leaving the country “due to the current situation there.”

The March 14 forces demanded that a complaint be filed to the Arab League.

The complaint must include Lebanon’s position on the border violations “that are aimed at harming Lebanon’s stability,” said the memo.

The United Nations Security Council must also be notified of the details of the violations and the “crimes committed by Syrian regime officials against the country,” it continued.

In addition, the March 14 camp called on Suleiman to request the assistance of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon to control the Lebanese-Syrian border in accordance to resolution 1701.

On the Syrian ambassador, the memorandum said that he should be considered “persona non grata because his security and intelligence role in Lebanon,” accusing him of being involved in the abduction of various Syrian opposition figures in Lebanon.

Addressing the recent unrest in the northern city of Tripoli, the memorandum urged the government to convene and take the immediate decision to strip the rival neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh of all arms.

It must also devise a comprehensive development plan for the two neighborhoods and northern Lebanon as a whole, it stated.

Commenting on the recent kidnappings in Lebanon, the March 14 forces suggested that the army be tasked with taking the necessary measures to ensure the captives’ release and arrest all abductors and anyone found to be involved in the crimes.

It also reiterated the demand to form a national salvation government that adopts a neutral position between rival Lebanese factions.

This government must impose the law and restore stability in Lebanon and the people’s faith in their country, said the memo.

It also included a demand for referring the cases of the failed assassination attempts against MP Butros Harb and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea to the judicial council.

In addition, the March 14 camp warned of the new attempts to impose Syrian hegemony over Lebanon “through certain local political powers, starting with Hizbullah.”

“These attempts are seeking to take over government work, most notably the foreign and defense ministries in a manner that facilitates the repeated Syrian violations,” said the statement.

The memo was drafted by lawyers and signed by the March 14 lawmakers.

According to An Nahar newspaper, a consultative meeting will be held on Wednesday at Geagea’s residence in Maarab.

The March 14 General Secretariat has also called for other meetings that will be held in other locations to “draw a political roadmap” for the next stage, it said.

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