
U.S. Judge Refuses to Throw Out Baldwin Stalking Charges

A U.S. judge declined Wednesday to throw out stalking charges that Alec Baldwin has filed against a Canadian actress, the woman's attorney said.

Attorney Maurice Sercarz had filed a motion on July 26 asking the judge to ditch the accusations on the grounds that they were vague, but Judge Mark White declined to do so, the lawyer said. Another hearing is set for November 27.

Baldwin has accused the actress, Genevieve Sabourin, of sending love-struck emails and showing up uninvited at his Manhattan apartment.

If the two parties do not reach an out of court settlement the case will go to trial, the attorney said, adding that nonetheless he was optimistic.

Sabourin, 40, was arrested on April 8 following a complaint by Baldwin, who said she was harassing him with emails, asking him to marry her and turning up at his home in the posh Greenwich Village neighborhood.

She had met the 54-year-old Baldwin, a major presence on U.S. television screens through the successful "30 Rock" series, in 2002 on the set of the Eddie Murphy film "The Adventures of Pluto Nash."

Sercarz has said the stalking claims are based on a misunderstanding and evidence demonstrates that contact between the actress and the star was mutual.

There are "a substantial number" of text messages and emails "back and forth," he told reporters in July, emphasizing the latter.

Source: Agence France Presse

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