The Internal Security Forces announced on Thursday that it had confiscated a number of weapons and ammunition in the Koura region.
It said in a statement that its Intelligence Bureau had raided a plot of land in Btaaboura in al-Koura after obtaining information that arms were being stashed there.
It carried out the raid on Wednesday night where it seized weapons that were hidden in the ground.
They included machine-guns, rockets, and ammunition for them.
Investigations are underway to uncover the owners of these arms, said the statement.
Voice of Lebanon radio had reported earlier on Thursday that the raids were being carried out near the farm of Georges Saab, a member of the Syrian Social National Party and an employee at Casino du Liban.
The raid itself is focusing on SSNP members, said VDL, and so far a large quantity of weapons were confiscated near Saab's farm.
The arms were concealed and packed in a proficient manner, it noted.
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