
Miqati Says Administrative Reforms Essential to Carry Out Appointments

Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed that the cabinet's approach on the administrative reforms is necessary to carry out the administrative appointments.

“The administrative reforms have been implemented for the first time (in Lebanon) since 1959,” Miqati said in comments published in al-Liwaa newspaper.

However, the premier remained discrete over the date of approving the first set of appointments, either because they are not mature yet or because of the political situation, the daily said.

The daily pointed out that Miqati is keen not to issue any set of appointments before consulting with President Michel Suleiman.

The cabinet on Monday approved a series of draft laws linked to administrative reforms including the Central Inspection Board, organization of the Audit Bureau, the formation of the department of public transactions and the organization of the information technology in public institutions, in addition to proposing a draft law on the right to access information.

Miqati described the decisions as a “qualitative leap in the work of Lebanese administrations.”

Officials have been bickering over the administrative appointments of top civil servants in state posts after failing to reach a settlement on the candidates to the vacancies.

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