
MP Maalouf Files Request to Debrief Cabinet over HJC

Lebanese Forces bloc MP Joseph Maalouf filed on Tuesday a request to question the cabinet over the delay in appointing the head of the Higher Judicial Council after the government failed to reply to the reasons behind the delay.

According to the National News Agency, Maalouf submitted a question before the cabinet wondering over the reasons behind the delay on May 22, but it hasn't been answered yet.

“The parliament's rules of procedures guarantees for lawmakers the right to quiz the cabinet if it failed to answer their questions,” the MP said in a statement.

Maalouf pointed out that the current vacancy in the post of the head of the HJC violates the constitution, obstructs the work of the public institution and threatens the sectarian balance of the country.

The position of the head of the HJC remained vacant over a lingering dispute between President Michel Suleiman and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, as the president is holding on to his candidate, Judge Alice Shabtini, while Aoun insisted on the appointment of Judge Tannous Meshlib.

The HJC is formed of 10 members in which the head of the council, the General Prosecutor and the head of the Judicial Inspection Board are appointed by a decree issued by the cabinet.

Judge Samir Hammoud has been filling the post of acting General Prosecutor after Judge Saeed Mirza's tenure ended in July.

Two of the remaining seven are chosen by the members of the Court of Cassation and the remaining five are appointed by the justice minister and approved by the president without necessarily consulting the government.

In June, Suleiman approved a decree referred by Premier Najib Miqati and drafted by Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi to appoint five judges to the HJC as the tenure of the current members ended.

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