
Jumblat Gears up for a 'Rescue Initiative' to End Political Crisis

In parallel with President Michel Suleiman's strenuous efforts to find a solution for the political gridlock, head of the Progressive Socialist Party MP Walid Jumblat seems to be following the same path and plans to launch a “rescue initiative” which he will announce in a press conference, the al-Liwaa daily quoted sources close to Jumblat Saturday.

Jumblat's initiative is keen to preserve civil peace and will call on political powers, particularly Hizbullah and the al-Mustaqbal Movement, to resume contacts.

He will urge the March 14-led opposition to resume dialogue and back down from its decision to boycott parliamentary activities, the daily added.

Jumblat has for that purpose contacted several March 14 officials including former Premier Saad Hariri, head of the al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc Fouad Saniora, and officials of the Jamaa Islamiya.

The date of the press conference has not be scheduled yet.

The opposition decided to boycott parliamentary activities after the assassination of ISF Information Bureau chief Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hasan in October. The alliance accuses the Syrian regime of being behind the murder and blames PM Najib Miqati's cabinet for covering the crime.

The Secretary General of the Progressive Socialist Party Zafer Nasser revealed Jumblat's initiative without elaborating on the details and said it is “consistent with Suleiman's endeavors to solve the political gridlock.”

“Boycotting dialogue and sit-ins are wrong. Overthrowing the cabinet cannot be done in the street,” he said.

The initiative calls for supporting Suleiman's efforts to form a national unity cabinet where all parties bear responsibility to reactivate the work of the state and address the regional implications on Lebanon, both coming from the ongoing war in Syria or the Israeli aggression on Gaza, said the daily.

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