
Movie Review: Life of Pi - 2012

Written by Anthony Sargon

Too many films are in 3D nowadays, and it's unwarranted most of the time. The glasses can be cumbersome, the effects get blurry, and colors darken significantly. Never, though, has a movie been so perfect for the 3D format as "Life of Pi", easily the most visually impressive film this reviewer has ever seen in his life.

Based on Yann Martel's book of the same name, the story is a simple one; a middle class Indian family that owns a zoo is leaving India to move to Canada to start a new life. The family is on its way to North America to sell the zoo animals, but tragedy strikes and the ship sinks. Everyone but Pi (short for Piscine), the youngest son, perish. Pi may be the only human left, but he's not alone. A few animals manage to make it to the life raft, most notably an adult Bengal tiger called Richard Parker. From there, the story takes the viewer on a powerful journey of self-discovery, faith, courage, and friendship.

Let's start with the film's visuals; they're absolutely breathtaking. There have been a lot of movies that claim to immerse viewers in another world, but none do it with so much finesse and subtlety. You forget that you're even wearing 3D glasses 5 minutes into the film, and almost every scene is packed with some amazing eye candy. This will be a must-own blu ray for any self respecting film fan. It really can't be said enough, this film looks gorgeous, and props to director Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain) for having such a clear vision. This is a film that needs to be watched in 3D.

The acting in the film is very solid, with Suraj Sharma giving a heartfelt performance as the titular hero. The real star of the show, however, is Richard Parker, the amazingly well-realized CG tiger. It's the bond that these 2 creatures share with one another that carries the film, along with the beautiful aesthetics. Never has a story been so well told by visuals alone, and some of the film's shots will stick with you long after the credits roll.

Ang Lee surely deserves to get an Oscar nomination for best directing, and if the visual effects department doesn't go home with the gold, it will be a huge injustice. The effects are there to serve the story first and foremost, as well as to take audiences on an adventure unlike anything they're ever seen before. Eat your heart out, James Cameron.

Anthony's Verdict:

Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" is a visual tour-de-force. Miss it, and you'll be skipping out on one of the finest cinematic endeavors of the decade.

Numerical Score: 9.5/10

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