
Jumblat, Raad Stress Need for Dialogue to Establish Stability in Lebanon

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stated that dialogue is the only choice left for the rival political factions, reported As Safir newspaper Saturday.

He told the daily: “Dialogue lies in the best interest of all sides and the stability of the country.”

“I was the first who called for dialogue among the Lebanese and Speaker Nabih Berri called for all-party during the most difficult circumstances in 2006,” he remarked.

The talks eased tensions in Lebanon and its decisions enjoyed the agreement of all participants, noted the MP.

“We are passing through a critical situation and impossible preconditions will not yield any results,” Jumblat said.

“To those banking on regional changes, I assure them that they will not favor any side,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, the head of the Loyalty of the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad told As Safir: “We must positively approach President Michel Suleiman's call for dialogue.”

“Our positivity stems from our conviction that stability in Lebanon require all sides to beg for dialogue in order to reach common ground to protect the country against conspiracies,” he noted.

Suleiman had called the members of the all-party talks to a session on January 7.

The March 14-led opposition had announced its boycott of dialogue in light of its failure to tackle Hizbullah's possession of arms among other issues.

The Phalange Party had recently declared however that it would attend the session, explaining that it does not seek to “boycott” Suleiman.

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