
Report: 8 Ain el-Hilweh Gunmen killed in Syria Fighting

Eight men from the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh have been killed in fighting alongside rebels in Syria, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Friday.

The daily said that the announcement of the deaths was made recently in the camp that lies in the southern city of Sidon.

Among the dead gunmen is Mahmoud Suleiman, the nephew of Jamal Suleiman, who became the head of Ansarullah organization after he fell out of Hizbullah a few weeks ago, al-Akhbar said.

Reports have said that Jamal split from Hizbullah after he was not able to control his supporters and prevent them from backing the revolution against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Syrian rebels have frequently accused Hizbullah fighters of taking part alongside government troops in fighting against rebels.

The party has recently buried several members whom it called martyrs who died while performing jihad duties, without mentioning how their deaths occurred.

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