
Miqati Holds Sehanoui Responsible for Any Security Breach over Telecom Data Controversy

The debate over granting security forces the telecom data is expected to deepen during the upcoming days as Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui rejects the demands while Prime Minister Najib Miqati insists that the work of those agencies shouldn't be disrupted.

“Ministers have to implement decisions before objecting, we can't obstruct the work of the security agencies,” Miqati said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper.

The premier referred to Sehanoui on Monday a decision to hand over to security agencies the necessary telecom data according to article 140 of the wiretapping law, which specifies the protection of communication data.

Sehanoui had rejected the request made by Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji, arguing that the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority didn't approve it.

The authority, which is tasked with assessing the possibility of providing the security forces with the data, includes Judges Aouni Ramadan, Hatem Madi, and Shukri Sader.

Last week, the cabinet agreed that the matter falls within the jurisdictions of Miqati.

“I'm committed to implementing the law. Sehnaoui will have to take responsibility for any security breach if the data wasn't handed over to the security agencies,” the PM stated.

Miqati told As Safir newspaper that the country is “passing through a delicate and critical situation,” justifying his decision to refer the request directly to Sehnaoui without having to refer to the competent judicial authority.

“I reject violating the privacy of citizens,” he added, noting that the content of the telephone conversations and the short text messages will not be granted to the security agencies but only the movement of calls.

Lebanon has recently witnessed several security violations after a sharp rift between the March 14 and 8 alliances over the revolt in Syria which began in March 2011.

Several areas across the country witnessed clashes between pro- and anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad gunmen, which prompted the security agencies to continuously demand to obtain the telecom data to arrest suspects and maintain stability.

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